* We all know that scorpions are nasty little buggers that have equally nasty stingers. One of the reasons perhaps, why people always opt or a scorpion tattoo design is to show to others that they can put up a good fight if they are forced to regardless if they look puny.
* Tattoo artists have always opted for an all black color design when it comes to scorpion tattoos as it looks tougher and nastier. Although colored scorpion tattoos look god as well; as it gives the design a softer more feminine feel and look.
* There are a lot of varying reasons why people always opt for scorpion tattoos. There are people who go out to a tattoo artist and request a scorpion design simply because their zodiac signs are Scorpio. There are people who get it because of the fact that scorpions are fierce and brave creatures and they look really tough. Since the main purpose of getting a tattoo is to represent a person's inner personality, and another reason is that scorpions can arouse a lot of your artists' creativity.
* There are people who go for this specific tattoo design who would want to let the world know that they are the type of person who always mean business. But having scorpion tattoos do not always connote a tough and dangerous side. It is a known fact, that scorpions, by nature also have a soft side which is why this design is also popular among women.
Women who prefer having a Scorpio design tattooed would most commonly have it done on their ankles or on their belly button area, which send out a message that they are tough but they do posses a softer and more feminine side. Men, on the other hand would most often prefer to have the scorpion design tattooed on their arm or leg which allows them to send a message of strength to other people. Men would always most probably go for a larger design to show off their masculinity.
* It is well known that scorpions are almost always living and can be found in desert areas so the image of a scorpion tattooed in a person's body would give the message that they can live through tough times in their lives and will always come out stronger and a survivor. This sends out a statement that they can live through tough moments and they are perfectly capable of coming through difficult situations and remain strong. The scorpion also symbolizes power and an unstoppable force that send a clear message that size never matters to them.

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